Anne Arundel Retired School Personnel Association

2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401

(410) 222-5000


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AARSPA Scholarships

Anne Arundel Retired School Personnel Association – Teacher Education Scholarship

Founded in 1940 by five classroom retirees, the Anne Arundel Retired Teachers Association was the first of its kind in Maryland. Today, with over 2,000 members and a name change, the Anne Arundel Retired School Personnel Association offers programs and information to its members and contributes funds to promote educational causes.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”       Benjamin Franklin

Scholarship Fund Donations
Donations may be made in honor of, in memory of, for anniversaries, birthdays other significant events.

Donations can be made online or by mail. Cash donations are accepted in person.


 Education Foundation of AACPS (formerly the 21st Century Education Foundation, Inc.) is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) nonprofit, charitable organization, donations to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A copy of the foundation’s current financial statement is available upon request by contacting the education foundation of AACPS at 2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (telephone: 410-266-3287). Document and information submitted to the state of Maryland under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost of copying and postage.







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